Home / Store / C&S Smith and Wesson 6" .17 Cal barrel for L frame shrouded barrel revolvers

C&S Smith and Wesson 6" .17 Cal barrel for L frame shrouded barrel revolvers

C&S Smith and Wesson 17 HMR replacement 6" barrel, carbon steel. For Smith and Wesson L frame shrouded barrels. These barrels were made with the goal of improving the performance of the revolver. The are well made barrels! These carbon steel barrels are on special as the twist rate is for a rifle, not a pistol. However, the bullets will stabilize at greater distance than typical handgun target distances. Our experience with these barrels is that at 15 yards the bullets appear to be unstable, are keyholing upon impact, and accuracy is generally poor. We are selling these at our cost. This item is sold as is, no warranty, returns, or refunds.

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