We have set up a dealer side of our web site with a secure shopping cart to allow registered dealers to purchase our parts at dealer pricing.
To register with us to gain access you must furnish us with a signed copy of your valid FFL along with all of your contact information. All FFLs except 03 Collector, 06 and Curio FFLs qualify to be registered. You may email a PDF of a signed copy of your FFL to monica@cylinder-slide.com. Or you can mail a signed copy in to 245 E 4th Street Fremont, NE 68025.
Click here and fill out the form to get the account started. Please note we no longer have a fax number.
Then, after completing that, and submitting it, you will need to get us a copy of your FFL via the two options above. Please note we no longer have a fax number.
The only rule on using our dealer purchasing web store is that only the authorized individual named may make purchases and all orders must be shipped to the address on the FFL. Anyone found to be allowing non employees to purchase from our web site will be permanently denied access to our dealer web site.
We will not share your contact information or email address with anyone. We will occasionally email you with special buys or information. I promise you that we will not send you a daily email or even a weekly one, maybe an email every couple of months. Our privacy policy is stated Here.
Once the information has been reviewed and a valid FFL is on file, you will be emailed your login information to gain access to the Dealer Site and instructions to get to the dealer area.
Thanks for your interest and I look forward to doing business with you.
Bill Laughridge
President, Cylinder & Slide Inc.